Performer | Composer
I'm Not Here Tonight - New Single
Written out of frustration, I’m Not Here Tonight (2020) highlights the issue of battling with dissociation and passiveness that is shown towards social justice issues. This fixed media work uses vocals, double bass, effect processing, and the C.A.E. Heavy Hitter drum machine created using vocal percussive sounds.
27 - For Vocals and Live Processing
27 (2022) Juxtaposing the idea of what 21st century femininity represents in an idealized world, 27 for vocals and live processing, questions the societal construct that you cannot successfully follow your profession and be a matriarch without giving up your individuality and self. In this work vocals are processed and triggered live utilizing reverb, delay, and overdrive. Pre-recorded text ran through echo delay and pitch shifters represent constant enforcement from a society that values gender normative roles and stereotypes over personal comfortability.